1. 即時滿足感: 刮刮樂遊戲的魅力之一在於即開即知結果。玩家可以立即刮去覆蓋層,發現是否中獎,這種即時的滿足感令人上癮。
2. 簡單易懂: 刮刮樂的規則非常簡單,幾乎每個人都能立即理解。玩家只需刮去覆蓋層,然後根據遊戲規則判斷是否中獎。
3. 多樣性: 刮刮樂遊戲有多種不同主題和玩法,從節慶主題到體育主題,讓玩家擁有多樣性的選擇。
4. 高獎金機會: 儘管每張刮刮樂券的價值通常不高,但中獎的機會較高,並且獎金可以是一筆不小的金額。這吸引了許多人參與。
Of all the uncertainties that come with the lottery, one thing is for absolute certain: People love playing the lottery. In fact, each state in the U.S. has its own lottery with the exception of the following seven states: Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada (weird, right?), Utah, and Wyoming.
For starters, the United States as a whole made $66,788,035,000 in income generated from all of the states’ respective lotteries. $42,278,889,000 of this was used for prizes, $3,180,173,000 was expended on administration, and $21,352,759,000 was the total proceeds remaining. The U.S. Census Bureau’s population projection for the entire country in 2016 was 323,127,513. If we divide the total income generated from various lotteries by the total population of the U.S., then each American spends an average of $206.69 on lottery tickets per year. (資料來源)

1. 選擇適合的刮刮樂: 在購買刮刮樂券之前,考慮不同主題和玩法的刮刮樂遊戲。選擇您感興趣的主題,這樣您可以更享受遊戲的過程。
2. 檢查獎金結構: 不同的刮刮樂遊戲具有不同的獎金結構。查看遊戲規則,了解不同中獎等級的獎金金額以及中獎的機會。
3. 設定預算: 在購買刮刮樂券之前,設定一個合理的預算,並且始終遵循它。不要因為連續的不中獎而過度投入。
4. 多樣性的選擇: 購買多張不同種類的刮刮樂券,而不是全部賭注都放在一種遊戲上。這樣可以提高中獎的機會。

1. 控制力量: 使用輕輕的刮刮力量,以免刮破潛在的中獎符號或數字。過於粗暴的刮擦可能會損壞刮刮樂券。
2. 獎金符號: 注意刮刮樂券上的獎金符號,它們通常表示您是否中獎。有時只需刮開一個獎金符號即可知道是否中獎。
3. 分散刮擦: 不要在同一區域連續刮擦,嘗試分散刮擦,以提高中獎的機會。中獎符號可能分佈在不同位置。
4. 留意細節: 注意刮刮樂券上的細節,例如特殊規則或細微的差別。有時候中獎需要符合特定的條件。
5. 不要沉迷: 刮刮樂應該是一種娛樂,不要沉迷於其中。設定一個合理的預算,並在適當的時候停止。
For LendEDU’s own lottery study, we went to various convenience stores around Hoboken, New Jersey and purchased $1,000 worth of scratch-offs. We bought a certain amount of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $30 scratch-off tickets so that their total values were as equal as possible. Winning percentage was calculated by dividing the number of winning tickets by the total number of tickets. Win value was calculated by adding up the totals from each winning ticket. Return on Investment was calculated by purchase value from the win value, and then dividing that number by the purchase value, and then multiplying by 100. (資料來源)
